Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We got some amazing shots from this last roll. Have one out being developed and another camera with some shots left on it. Here are a few more from the latest!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sonoma B&W Matchbox

Ta Da!

Our first black and white matchbox pinhole camera was a success, to say the very least. At 400 ASA/ISO we were scared all would be overexposed. Especially because we were in sunny Cali and not gloomy Corvallis...

It took over two weeks to get the film developed, but it was worth it. Soon, we'll have a dark room and can begin processing our own film.

My friends Emery and Tim have a Model-T Ford at their tree-fort home in Sonoma county. We were lucky enough to stay there in early March with tiny 'mishee' and giant Liam (their furry children). I like this image because of the center line from the fender - I'm all about the lines... as Chris knows.

Much more images to come, until then...

Enjoy the new colors of m box b log and watch the 'mast head' grow and change with new thumbnail size photo additions. As we keep shootin' - we'll add the goods to the header and eventually it will be a small preview of all our m box adventures.
